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International mobility grants: a springboard for students!

Every year, talented students face financial obstacles that could hinder their academic and professional careers. Thanks to the Audencia Foundation’s international mobility grants, these barriers are removed, allowing each student to focus on what’s most important: success and personal fulfillment.

✈️ The international dimension, an academic and professional requirement

Audencia has made international openness a cornerstone of its training. In the Bachelors and Grande Ecole programs, an experience abroad has become compulsory in order to :

– Develop a thorough understanding of multicultural issues
– Gain professional experience valued by recruiters
– Strengthen foreign language skills in a professional context
– Promote autonomy and adaptability

While this ambition is fully integrated into the school’s pedagogical approach, it also requires a significant financial investment on the part of students. Transport costs, accommodation, living expenses… all these factors can compromise these opportunities for students with limited resources.

💪 An essential support system

To ensure that access to international study is not a question of means but a right accessible to all, the Audencia Foundation awards mobility grants to students in financial difficulty every year.

– 503 students have benefited from this assistance since the program’s inception;
– 35 countries covered, with internships ranging from 8 to 18 weeks;
– 500€ is the average amount granted per student, which can be adjusted according to destination and financial situation.

It’s the kind of support that makes it possible for each and every one of us to project ourselves calmly into this experience and make the most of it.

Thank you to our donors, who make it possible for students to enjoy an experience they’ll never forget, and which will give a whole new meaning to their lives!