In addition to the 6 existing Chairs, the Foundation is developing new projects to meet the needs of companies. These include the “Virtual Reality & Marketing” and “Sports Hub” projects.
Virtual Reality and Marketing: “Virtual reality, an innovative tool to better understand consumers in their purchasing journey”.
Virtual reality is entering more and more of our lives, and is no longer limited to a few sectors such as gaming. It is used in B2B, B2C and training, and is therefore affecting more and more sectors, companies, brands and retailers.
Against this backdrop, Audencia and Ecole Centrale Nantes (ECN) have developed a virtual store to carry out research in the field of marketing, and to integrate virtual reality into teaching so that students can better grasp the impact of this technology on consumer behavior.
The aim is not only to analyze consumer purchasing behavior in a virtual store, but also to consider this technology as a genuine purchasing channel. Coupled with Audencia’s real-life laboratory store, the virtual store also enables us to compare consumer behavior in these two distinct environments, particularly among the younger generations who will be the future users and consumers.
How does it work? Using a virtual reality headset, trackers and joysticks, this technology immerses you in a virtual store, where you can browse shelves and aisles displaying (mainly responsible) products, and make your purchases.
Sports Hub: “Promoting physical activity and sporting practices as levers for managerial development to improve the health and well-being of individuals and organizations”.
Sport has always been an important part of Audencia, whether through its presence in the student program or through the organization of the Audencia-La Baule Triathlon. Aware that sport is also an issue of health and well-being for students, the school has brought its actions together under the Sports Hub banner.
With the support of the Audencia Foundation, the school is now looking to develop a Chair, capitalizing on the project team’s vast experience in sports and health support and in working with institutions in the sports sector. The aim is to offer a unique support system for future student employees, backed up by a research-action program to develop knowledge and best practices with companies.
Interested in Chaires en développement? Please contact us.
What is a Chair?
- It’s a research team dedicated to a project and precise objectives defined with partner companies.
For example, the Positive Impact Chair has set up materiality matrices with partners, developed the #Négotraining program to help women learn how to negotiate salaries, and conducted studies on the quest for meaning in the workplace.
- This is research work in which the partners are stakeholders in the creation of the roadmap to get closer to the needs of companies.
Example: The Family Entrepreneurship and Society Chair, which contributes to the long-term viability and competitiveness of family businesses, has participated in the development of a certificate for future family business leaders.
- This project is eligible for sponsorship, and companies can claim up to 60% tax exemption.